Creado por Practico Inglés

Mide tu nivel de inglés

Resuelve el siguiente cuestionario y determina tu nivel de inglés

Fill in the following fields to continue with your test.

Completa  los siguientes campos para continuar con tu prueba.

1 / 25

The bridge _____ in 1983.

2 / 25

She loves _____ in the mornings.

3 / 25

At 11 o'clock last night you _____.

4 / 25

I like that car, but it's _____ than this one.

5 / 25

Where is Elissa? She is _____ home.

6 / 25

My brother _____ for hours when he _____ asleep at my desk.

7 / 25

I _____ three exams already today.

8 / 25

The book _____ by Nicol Stone.

9 / 25

My brother _____ home when I called him

10 / 25

Marie decided _____ to Canadá in May.

11 / 25

He trains _____ Saturday at 6 am.

12 / 25

What were you doing yesterday? _____.

13 / 25

There _____ five books on the table.

14 / 25

Which of the following is correct?

15 / 25

The birds are _____ the cage.

16 / 25

I am traveling to Bogotá, _____ I really like Cartagena.

17 / 25

Sorry I don't know _____

18 / 25

My sister _____ the dishes.

19 / 25

She _____ for an hour at the university, _____ in the afternoon and returned home at 8 at night.

20 / 25

My parents _____ English for three years before they _____ to USA.

21 / 25

I don't have _____ money.

22 / 25

Put the following sentence in reported speech: " You must brush your teeth," mom said.

23 / 25

_____ any carrots in the fridge?

24 / 25

You're lying! She _____ you!

25 / 25

Whose shirt is it? It is _____ shirt.

Tu puntación es


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